If the spouse who has been ordered to pay child support experiences a significant reduction in their income, like through a demotion or a loss of work, it is not always enough to reduce child support. This type of circumstance,…
If the spouse who has been ordered to pay child support experiences a significant reduction in their income, like through a demotion or a loss of work, it is not always enough to reduce child support. This type of circumstance,…
While infidelity, or adultery, as grounds for divorce in New York, it actually has little to no impact on a financial settlement handed down by the court. Of course, you can still file for alimony and be awarded what you…
Many spouses who find themselves paying spousal support want to know the tax implications that are applied. In short, spousal support must be reported as taxable income by the recipient, and can be deducted by the paying spouse. Do not…
Because of how rigid gender roles have been in society, and how that has influenced the flow of income between men and women, women traditionally are awarded alimony in most divorces. This seemed to be typical in almost every divorce,…
It would seem logical that if during the marriage, a spouse was the victim of domestic violence, then during the divorce trial, and more specifically, when hashing out support payments, that would be a mitigating factor. And to some extent,…
Obviously, it is would be difficult to make alimony payments if you are bankrupt – in fact, it makes it near impossible. As many divorcing couples know, alimony is what is known as a nondischargeable form of debt. This means…
In most situations, some divorces result in one spouse making steady spousal support payments to their ex-partner. After a while, many paying spouses want to get out of paying more alimony. Fortunately for them, it can be possible to make…
When you retire, there is the possibility that your financial circumstances will change. In some cases, social security starts coming in – replacing your current method of income. You would need to adjust your lifestyle. Many still pay for spousal…
Although many of us understand the basic idea of alimony, one spouse paying the other after a divorce, many of us don’t truly grasp the process that goes into calculating the alimony. If there should be any alimony that should…
Spousal support is common in many divorce cases and usually involves one spouse paying the other on a routine basis. For instance, there are many situations where one spouse is not working, and because he or she has been out…