What are the benefits of divorce mediation to children? This is a common question. In fact, there are many.
It is a known statistic that half of all children in the United States will be subjected to divorce every year. There is no question about emotional trauma divorce and litigation has on children of divorce. The negative consequences during the course of divorce and in the future, especially in high-conflict cases has been well documented and indisputable.
Often times, people assume that high conflict cases can only be settled in court but this is not the case. Mediation has proven to often be a better alternative to litigation as it offers a more neutral, less hostile environment to civilly confront high conflict, be it high asset scenarios or battle for custody. This is not to say that conflict will not be present, it is unavoidable; however, mediation can set the tone which may soften or mediate the conflict allowing discussions about assets, spousal maintenance, custody and so on, be productive and dealt with more cooperatively.
It is important to understand that any attack on one’s former spouse has an impact on the child. Limiting hostility, aggression and conflict is crucial for the sake of the child, or children’s, well-being and psychological health. Litigation can often act as fuel to the fire between the couple which will only make their relationship and, more importantly, ability to co-parent compromised. Divorce mediation emphasizes neutrality, cooperation and compromise: how all parties can feel as good as they can about all the aspects of the dissolution of their partnership. Having a cooperative and fair environment that mediation provides allows parties to put their differences aside for the best outcome for each other and their children.
Mediation takes much less time and money than litigation, allowing parents to focus more on their children’s well being and moving on with their lives. Mediation also allows each party more control; a judge cannot always know what the best decision is for each family. Discussing this with a neutral third party (mediator) will increase the likelihood that the best decision is made for the child. Mediation can establish a premise of what parenting will look like post divorce and can lay foundation for strong co-parenting relationship and arrangements for the future. Mediation sometimes can provide strategies and plans for more flexibility in schedules and agreements, attempt to put aside hostilities and differences, all of which is a great benefit to the children. For even after a divorce ends, the parties will have to interact with each other to make decisions about what is best for the children, and demonstrate that both parents are committed and invested in them.
So, if you are wondering “what are the advantages of mediation to children?” we hope this article has shed some light that will help.