Going through a divorce is never easy for anyone involved no matter what the underlying circumstances may have been. There will be lasting, emotional scars during and after, and some people simply cannot cope with the situation. However, moving on from this painful experience is not impossible. You can continue to grow as an individual and move on with your life.

The following are three helpful ways to help you move on with your life after divorce:

1. You may be “single”, but you are certainly not alone. Look around, there are so many people that love you and want to be there for you. You shouldn’t be scared to accept them in your life. Moreover, it doesn’t mean you can’t start seeing a new “someone”, it’s just important though to not instantaneously get coupled up or immediately seek a “replacement”. Surround yourself with those who you care about, and whom you know will always be there for you. Don’t be afraid to make new friends and establish new connections. That’s what life is all about.

2. An important part of moving on from something is learning to let go. The feelings that cling to you after a divorce – bitterness, anger, and betrayal, will only hold you back. They fester in your mind, blinding you from seeing the reality of your situation, and you believe that these feelings are true as they continue to gnaw at you. It’s a vicious cycle, which is why it is important to nip it in the bud as soon as possible. Forget the “what if’s” and the like, as they only keep you from changing your outlook on life.

3. Make sure you don’t develop bad habits during your dark hours. Many will turn to drugs or alcohol to numb the extreme pain and emotions they are feeling. Binging and removing yourself from reality is an awful way to cope, and don’t expect to feel better. Focus on your mental and physical health, because a healthy mind and body leads to clearer and better living.